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ujian pertama bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "ujian pertama"
  • ujian:    exam; examination; test; the acid test; trial;
  • pertama:    bst; first; first learning; firstly; primary; the
  • ujian:    exam; examination; test; the acid test; trial; test (assessment); uw-test1; experiment; experimentation; run; testing; mental test; psychometric test; mental testing
  • pertama:    bst; first; first learning; firstly; primary; the first; in the first/second etc place; prime; to start with; world-class; 1st; outset; first of all; prior; firsthand; precede; original; get-go; in
  • juruterbang ujian:    test pilot
  • kelompok ujian:    group of test
  • lulus ujian:    pass examination
  • menempuh ujian:    sat for an examination; sit for an examination; sitting for an examination
  • mengawasi ujian:    invigilate; invigilated; invigilating; watch
  • penempuh ujian:    examinee
  • pengawas ujian:    invigilator
  • peserta ujian:    testee
  • roket ujian:    sounding rocket
  • ujian abdominojugular:    abdominojugular test
  • ujian akhir:    final examination; finals
  • But then, well, trial one was kill a Hellhound.
    Tapi, well, ujian pertama adalah membunuh anjing neraka.
  • This is not the first exam for either of us.
    Ini bukan ujian pertama bagi kami berdua.
  • Congratulations on completing your first task.
    Selamat..,.. Sudah menyelesaikan ujian pertama kalian.
  • You have passed the first test!
    Kalian telah lulus ujian pertama.
  • Officer Rigg, your first test.
    Petugas Rigg, ujian pertama.
  • Just the first touchstone
    Hanya sebagai batu ujian pertama.
  • No, you haven't been since the first trial.
    Aku baik-baik saja. - Tidak, kau tidak baik-baik saja. Kau tidak baik-baik saja sejak ujian pertama.
  • First Test of the DS DIY Solar Pannel Less than $1.00 a watt
    Ujian pertama DS DIY Solar Pannel kurang dari $1,00 per watt
  • I mean, for me, it was. I failed it the first two times, but I guess it's like losing your virginity.
    Maksudku, ujianku dulu, aku gagal di dua ujian pertama, ini seperti kehilangan keperjakaan.
  • You heard what Cass said. That that first trial hurt you in ways that even he can't heal.
    Well, kau dengar apa yang Cass katakan-- bahwa ujian pertama itu melukaimu sampai dia bahkan tidak bisa menyembuhkanmu.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2